I did one of those eight-minute-long-winded rambles on Social Media (as I am prone to do) and left no time in my afternoon to give you the links to our current favorite reads this month. Below you will find links to where I found each title -- hopefully saving you precious time digging around trying to find the exact copies I mentioned.
Many of these serve as our history study in our home. Instead of a unit study or textbook, the children and I are learning through story, and it is a delight to see them piece history together as they see their favorite character highlighted in one book, then mentioned in another.
We read during breakfast and lunch, after outdoor play, before naps, after naps, before Daddy comes home from work, before bed, and any time when cutting words tempt Mother and the kiddos are in a frazzle. Sitting down and reading a book soothes us all, and I have been surprised at how captivated the children are by this slow-paced literature.
These Child-size biographies are beautifully illustrated and paint an intriguing picture of great voices who shaped America! I would like to purchase the full series, but these are the three we read this month.
Buffalo Bill
Benjamin Franklin
I love a good series. You don't have to reinvent the wheel, and you know that when you pick from this vault you will always end up with a tried and true winner. These are three series we have been devouring with our children.
Great Illustrated Classics
Christian Heros
The Little House Series (literally no book list is complete without these) If you're going to read just one, I'd pick Farmer Boy.
I call these "Timeline Books," because they give context to dozens of famous people, wars, events, and folklore that are often referenced today. They are 2-3 page stories that have no pictures, and I find are best served to our children when their mouths are full at meal time or their hands are busy with something quiet.
50 Famous Stories Retold - Folklore
An Island Story - The history of England
Trial and Triumph: Stories from Church History Brief 2-3 page biographies of dozens of leaders of the Christian faith.
To instill a love of beauty, character, poetry, the English language, slow story, and precious art. These sweet momentary reads, fit in the nooks and crannies. When it's 10 minutes until nap time, or everyone is cranky when they wake.
A Child's Garden of Verses
Aesop's Fables
We will likely find ourselves in need of another good book soon, so don't hesitate to leave your favorite's down below!
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